This is from the article in The Age today by Miki Perkins about our podcast Outer Sanctum and the role it has played in the media at the moment.
"One night, at a rare IRL (in real life) dinner they jokingly decided to launch a podcast, and Outer Sanctum was born in March. "We all have an interest in stories about women's involvement in football. We love football, we love that it's such an intrinsic part of our culture and we want to be involved," says Race.
Hayes and Sometimes have even written a book, From the Outer, which is a collection of essays on topics rarely covered in a football context, including LGBTI, culturally-diverse and female writers. The book opens with an essay by Chelsea Roffey, the first female to officiate an AFL grand final.
Last Monday, when McGuire and his co-commentators first made the comments about Caroline Wilson on Triple M, a short news story appeared on Sporting News. Lucy Race noticed it and shared with her fellow podcasters. They were appalled, and amazed it had appeared nowhere else."